Case Study - Tom
Metal Fabrication Apprentice

Four Tees Engineers Ltd

What does an average day look like for you?

My day starts off on the canteen, catching up with everyone. I then head down to the shop floor and find out what is on the "To Do" list for the day. I set up my gear and then work on the task or jobs for the rest of the day.

What personal qualities do you think are important to do your job?

Good communication skills, the ability to focus as well as double checking your work and measurements are definitely personal qualities needed for my role.

How did you first become interested in engineering?

I've always been interested in engineering from an early age. I love learning about how things work and go together, and making things from scratch and why things go together the way they do!

What has been your personal highlight so far?

My personal highlight has been meeting new people at both my time at SETA and in my workplace.

Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?

I chose to do an apprenticeship as I'm looking to the future and security in my job. I believe that an apprenticeship and the qualifications within it will help me achieve this.

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