Training for Industry
Engineering Courses

Surveys and Feedback

We would like to thank you for attending our course here at SETA.

We value your opinion, so please take a few moments to complete a questionnaire about your experience, to help us continually improve the quality of our courses*.

Please select the course or awarding body appropriate to the course you attended below.


Apprentice Feedback

First Year Apprentice 'off-the-job' Training Mid-Point Survey

First Year Apprentice 'off-the-job' Completion

Second Year Apprentice Survey

Third Year Apprentice Survey

End of Apprenticeship Standard Evaluation

End of Apprenticeship Standard - Early Leavers Evaluation


Customer Feedback

Employers Working with SETA 

Commercial Feedback 

AM2 Preparation


City & Guilds

CCNSG Safety Passport


Cross Skilling

Hazardous Area Training

Joint Integrity




For any other type of feedback you wish to share or let SETA know about, please use the link below:

 General Feedback


*These forms are voluntary and capture DATA in anonymous format, unless you provide a name and e-mail address. If provided, you are giving SETA your explicit consent to contact you to discuss your comments further. SETA will not share your details with any third party.