Throughout the year SETA hosts several events.
SETA holds a Workshop Taster Day during the year, which will be advertised through our social media channels, as well as through local schools and colleges, and external partners.
During this event, students from year 10 and above, will be able to have a go and actually get hands on with many practical engineering activities, chat to staff as well as current apprentices about life at SETA. But the best bit is you'll actually be able to get hands on with various engineering activities in the workshop....
SETA will be holding a Jobs Fair during National Apprenticeship Week in February at which young people and their parents/guardians can come along to speak to employers that will be looking to recruit engineering apprentices for the following September. This is the ideal opportunity to find out more about apprenticeships, life at SETA, and of course to speak to the employers themselves about the apprenticeships and training programmes that they offer.
Every year SETA celebrates the achievements of its apprentices. This annual event celebrates everything to do with Apprenticeships including practical skills elements, assessments and projects (where applicable), as well as the staff that make the whole apprenticeship programme possible… in fact it celebrates the whole thing!
With the challenging world that we live in at the moment this is of course subject to change!
The next AGM for SETA will be taking place on Friday 31st January between 1130am -1230pm. If you would like to attend please complete the online booking form. This link will take you to a MS Form to complete.