SETA Quality - Matrix
SETA is accredited with a nationally recognised quality mark that demonstrates our commitment to the continuous development and improvement of our services.
The matrix Standard is the unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals.
The matrix Standard is the unique quality framework for the effective delivery of information, advice and/or guidance on learning and work. It promotes the delivery of high quality information, advice and/or guidance by ensuring organisations review, evaluate and develop their service; encourage the take up of professionally recognised qualifications and the continuous professional development of their staff.
What does the matrix Standard consist of?
The Standard consists of four elements. These are:
- Leadership and Management
- Resources
- Service Delivery
- Continuous Quality Improvement
Further information on the actual standard itself can be found on the Matrix Standard website
Key comments from SETAs assessment include:
“SETA makes good use of the fact that it is a smaller provider in terms of flexibility and speed of response”.
Employers described how SETA is “able to adapt provision (within reason) to meet employer needs, unlike a college which will have a set curriculum and tutors limited to the delivery of that”.
Employers value the specific expertise that SETA provides.
“SETA has made a particular effort to encourage ‘Learner Voice’, with a well established Student Council that regularly meets with Senior Managers to discuss issues raise by apprentices”.
“There is a sense of ensuring that apprentices understand the full scope of a career in engineering”.